Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Girls

Miss Love

 These are "My Girls". I love to draw pretty faces, pretty dresses and  I'm thinking of trying my hand at doll making!  I would enjoy seeing Miss Love come to life! I've seen several dolls at sites that I follow that have a similar look to the ones I've drawn. Great Minds Think Alike!!

I try to draw happy little faces yet the sometimes come out looking worried or even sad.  I've drawn and redrawn an image to try to fix it or erased until the page has worn through only to end up with the same face over and over. I've decided to just go with it. I tell myself, "This is a stubborn one apparently!"

Angel Faces
I'm curious to know if other artists and artisans have experienced the same phenomena as I have.  I start off with the eyes of the picture, then the nose and mouth. Once the nose and mouth have appeared "she" tells me who she is and what she wants to look like. It is quite bizarre. I will try drawing a pretty ethereal angel and come up with a late thirties chick with a cool fur stole going to the Opera!!

Deep in Thought

Happy Happy Tuesday to all! It's rainy here and is a perfect day to sit and create something new! I watched videos on You Tube last night on how to make air dry clay and how to make dolls! Can't wait to get started!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Michelle, thank you for your lovely visits on my blog. Sorry I couldn't reply sooner.

    When I draw, I usually start with the oval of the face, then I draw the eyes, then nose and mouth at the end. But you are right, our little creatures DO have souls and they "talk" to us.
    This is something magical that I absolutely love and always takes me by surprise.
